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Continuing a Campaign after a save


Jul 30, 2021
Minneapolis, MN
I'm not sure if this is a bug or if I'm doing something wrong but I was unable to continue a campaign after a file save.

1) Created a 3 game Campaign.
2) Played the first game and won. Got the game result and Commander progress screens.
3) Map had button for continuing campaign which I pressed.
4) Chose my core and auxiliary units for game 2.
5) Saved the game at this point. (Dinner time). Maybe this was a mistake?
6) Loaded the saved game, seemed to be right where I left off.
7) Deployed my troops, played the game and won.
8) Got the expected screen with the Commander stats showing my progress as before which seems to indicate I was still in the campaign.
9) Went back to the map. There was no button this time to continue the campaign?

I've only completed 2 of the 3 games in the series so I should have been able to continue to the 3rd game.
Is there something I'm doing wrong about saving / loading the campaign?
Is there a continue campaign option that I'm supposed to use instead of loading the saved game?
Are there only specific points that I'm allowed to save a campaign game?