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Couple of questions with Sky Soldiers

Jack Ruetty

Mar 2, 2014
1. Twice I had hovering helicopters that attacked with ordinance and MGs, changed to flying mode, but then could not move. If I am reading Helicopter example 2 on page 108 correctly they should have been able to fly.

2. Had a situation with small arms fire on a helicopter 4 hexes from an NVA 2-5-4 squad with a MG (FP of 2 range of 8). Ranges are halved by 19.2.8 on page 111. I think the MG should be able to fire, but the squad should not as it is out of range. Squad fired.

3. Small arms fire from #2 above forced the helicopter to take a Damage Check which it failed. I thought a damaged helicopter was immediately removed from the map. But in this case the helicopter than took a “morale roll to not flee: 11: failure!” I can find nothing in the 5.0 rules about a further morale roll for fleeing beyond a normal damage check for helicopters. Am I missing something?
