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Some Assault on Ben Suc observations

Jack Ruetty

Mar 2, 2014
Found some bugs one of which I gave in a different post and two of which Tom has already fixed. Three other things:

1. This I think is a bug. Huey gunship in Hovering Mode fired at a unit and using both ordinance attacks and its MG eliminated the unit. Based on Helicopter Example 2 on page 108 I feel like it should have been able to enter Flying Mode and fly to another hex. It could not.

2. On turn 4 should you be able to pick a different LZ from the one chosen on turn 1. The SSR rules in the board game seem to indicate this. I cannot pick a new LZ but was forced to use the original LZ. The new LZ actually shows up at the end of turn 4 after all reinforcements are actually placed using the original LZ. Looks like it happened to the AI also when I played the VC.

3. Finally kind of an AI bug. Mortar Team sets up on Heavy Jungle which it cannot fire out of. The AI never moved it and therefore it never fired the entire scenario.
