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Dawn of the Tiger

Jay Townsend

Aug 19, 2013
Dawn of the Tiger

Dawn of the Tiger is a classic armor battle with the German monster Tiger tanks taking on the hordes of Soviet T-34/76 tanks. The German simple have to have a units on the Railroad track in the center of the four maps to win at the end of 8 turns. Both sides race to the middle, with the Railroad tracks being just a little closer to the Germans but the Soviets having faster medium tanks than the German heavy tanks, so both sides arrive at about the same time. Then a pretty cool shootout begins and bloody at that. A lot depends who puts out their formation chip/marker first and how some of the dice rolls and fate points are used early.

This scenario is really fun to play, with just the basic armor rules and I could see it playing out differently each time it is played. I had a German Victory in my gameplay and had some nice formation marker draws which helped them retain their victory. It would be kind of interesting to know how other did on this one. It would be kind of nice to have a few more similar scenarios as well.

Sean Druelinger

Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
Thank you for the review Jay. This scenario was designed around an action that took place described in David Glanz’s book on Kursk.

thank you