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Desert Heat, scenario: Free French at Bir Hacheim

Jay Townsend

Aug 19, 2013
Desert Heat, scenario: Free French at Bir Hacheim

An interesting scenario of the Free French against the Italian forces in North Africa. The French setup defensive positions on a long hill overlooking the Italian’s approach. The Italians have two formations, so can attack at two locations hoping to find a weak spot and head for the town hexes in the north, which are the victory objects as well. Since the French are restricted in their setup on the forward southern hill mass, they must prevent an Italian breakthrough.

The Italian’s lead with their 7th Armored first, right as dust sets in, lowering the effectiveness of fire from either side but allowing the Italian to close in with both armor and Infantry units. The Italians also risk a minefield attack which didn’t do much damaged. The French more concerned about the Italian 7th Armored, somewhat overlooked the Italian 1st Light Armored, which punched a hole through the French AT Guns and drove right into the town. By the time the French loaded up their Infantry and guns and chase after the Italian it was too late and the Italian claimed the Victory in this scenario. It didn’t help that a couple turns ended very early after the Italian breakthrough or that the French air-support was very ineffective. I think this could have been a closer fought battle but for a few critical dice rolls.