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Desert Heat, scenario: Outflank Trap

Jay Townsend

Aug 19, 2013
Desert Heat, scenario: Outflank Trap

I should have counted the hexes required for the victory condition to work before I played this but I didn’t. The Italians with the terrain and the British opposition and lastly the turns ending early with chit draw, cannot get off the south end in 12 turns. Even without opposition they can’t do it. I think the Italians would need 16 turns to have a chance especially when the turns end early.

In my game, the Italians tried to avoid fire combat and just use movement as I could see they would lose this scenario if they engaged the enemy. With one exception, they used the off map artillery to blast some blocking British Infantry and 6-Prd ATG positions, eliminating a step of each. Both sides through the Chaos roll brought on leaders. By turn twelve I saw there was no way for the Italians to win this scenario as written.

Fun to play but not sure on average how long in game turns it should be, to give each side a chance to win. Between the British which can easily block Italian advance routes, and the game turns ending early, it would need 4-5 turns more turns but I wouldn’t want to make it a cake-walk for the Italians just driving off the map either. You would have to play this one about 10 times to get an average, but I would rather play other scenarios then figure this out.