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General Update 2-18

Matt Lohse

Aug 18, 2013
200 feet east of the fog line
I wanted to update the community on various items and ask for input on a couple of things. So in no particular order…

1. LOF15 and the WaW Compendium Vol. 2 have started shipping. David posted the following on the LnL forums… “Hello

It's been a long wait but finally both Compendium Vol. 2 and Line of Fire #15 started shipping today. If you have not yet received your shipping notice you should tomorrow.

If you have any issues or questions please let us know by opening a Support Ticket found above.”

2. I have been working on the WaW rules revision and want to apologize that it is taking longer than I initially expected. Most of the changes have been clarifications to address things that have been mentioned by the community or were raised as questions in the FAQ. Once I am done making a few more changes and proof it a couple of times, I will post in it the usual places for people to look over for typos and to make sure my clarifications haven’t made anything more confusing. After giving the various online communities a bit of time to look things over and point out anything that needs fixing, it will go for layout and more proofing. I am not going to guess at a timeline at this point as I have been wrong once already. On the rules topic, there are a couple of items that I want to get input from the community and I will raise those in a separate post [possibly may take a day or two].

3. Once the final layout of the rules is done, the plan is to make it available for as a free download from the LnL website and to have a living rules pdf so that questions can be easily addressed and so that everyone has access to the latest version.

4. We have been doing some thinking about the counter font/text size issue and want to present a couple of possible approaches for comment. I will put those in a separate post since I don’t want this post to be too long and since it may take me a little while to type it up.

5. My non-module to do list [subject to change]. Once the rules revision is done, my next goal is to compile the various FAQs and Errata into one document. After that, I want to create a spreadsheet of unit values for everything in the series to help designers and to prevent value drift between modules.

6. My module to do list [so very subject to change]. At least now, once the rules revision is done, there are two projects I plan to work on in the near future. The first is the expansion of the LOF SADF module into a small stand-alone game. The second would be an expansion, possibly for LOF, on a topic to be announced that will also serve as the “how to design something” tutorial. Reasons, thoughts, requests for suggestions on this will also be the subject of a follow on post