I think it would useful for units to have the ability to conduct the reorg phase of the attack, which usually happens at the FUP, without leaving their initial positions and to only leave these at H hour. In situations with a relatively static front line which is close to the enemy the current behaviour regarding form up doesn't work out so well, as the units leave their trenches and move about in road column right next to the front line with predictable consequences. You can sort of get around this by moving the FUP further away from the enemy, but this forces your units to abandon their (presumably) hard won ground in order to make the assault, giving the enemy the opportunity to reoccupy it in the mean time; furthermore the distance which your assault units are required to cover during their attack is increased. In this sort of situation I think it would make sense for units to be capable of taking advantage of the protection provided their entrenchments to form up and begin their attack as close as possible to the enemy front line.