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Off board artillery + correction


Jan 12, 2016
Cross-poested from BGG

Night rules are in effect and I have a unit which can call in Off-board artillery strikes at upto 6 hexes as per SSR3:

"The Naval Gunfire Support Forward Observer is equipped with night-vision goggles and can see (place a Spotting round marker) at a range of up to six (6) hexes. He is the only one who can call-in and correct naval gunfire. He calls in the gunfire like regular Off-board Artillery (18.2) but he can correct the Spotting Round up to two hexes."

The nearest enemy units are at 8 hexes away. Does this mean I can target an "empty" hex 6 hexes away and hope that the drift roll and the 2 hex correction falls on these units which are further away?

That would imply that a correction could make my 6hex range further depending on the drift roll. The only mention I see Is that the final hex has to be in LOS and not within initial range restrictions.

I hope I've managed to express myself clearly :)

Thanks in advance,