Jimmy Engren
2 questions arose while playing some scenarios from the New Normandy Box
1. If I understand correctly, backblast ordnance support weapons cannot fire from buildings, is that correct? I cannot find it in the rules and would appreciate a rules reference.
2. Open topped AFVs such as the Marder cannot be buttoned and the crew is always vulnerable to small arms fire, correct? I cannot find the reference to the rule for open topped AFVs even though it is hinted on in the rules for AFVs as written.
2 questions arose while playing some scenarios from the New Normandy Box
1. If I understand correctly, backblast ordnance support weapons cannot fire from buildings, is that correct? I cannot find it in the rules and would appreciate a rules reference.
2. Open topped AFVs such as the Marder cannot be buttoned and the crew is always vulnerable to small arms fire, correct? I cannot find the reference to the rule for open topped AFVs even though it is hinted on in the rules for AFVs as written.