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Questions about the order release.


Oct 30, 2017
China Chongqing
I do not understand what the "command post flow" for this system is. When I issue a command, the command button is clicked one by one. When I do not press the pause and release the order, it is divided into many orders released? Or when I click through, after a certain delay, the sum into a command and then released. If the former, will it be punished?
Oct 20, 2014
Livonia, MI (Detroit-area suburb)
I do not understand what the "command post flow" for this system is. When I issue a command, the command button is clicked one by one. When I do not press the pause and release the order, it is divided into many orders released? Or when I click through, after a certain delay, the sum into a command and then released. If the former, will it be punished?
Are you talking about how the artificial intelligence handles an order?

If you issue an order to a battalion headquarters, it gets broken down by the artificial intelligence into individual orders to the subordinate companies for execution. If you issue an order to a regiment headquarters, the artificial intelligence first gets breaks it down into individual orders to subordinate battalions, and then breaks those further into orders for companies commanded by those battalions.

Those orders are reflected by the different paths that subordinate units take to execute it in behalf of the headquarters unit where it is set.

In addition, there is an "orders delay" which duplicates the time it would take for a unit commander to write his orders, and distribute them through his chain of command. The higher up in the organization the order is issued (company, battalion, regiment, division, corps, army) the longer it takes for the order to be executed at the lowest level. So, you won't see a company react as quickly to an order issued at the army level as you would see if you issued the order directly to the company.

Page 56 of the game manual talks about how units are organized "chain of command" and sheds some light on what headquarters units control directly.

Page 120 talks about how to address Orders Delay.

Page 147 explains Orders Delay further.