I have a solution for the unit getting resupplied. What's happening is it's supply route was being suspended because of high casualties to the supply column. The intent of the code was to suspend it for 24 hours. So if the regular resup determination occurred before this it would not process its regular request. The trouble is there was no check when it came for subsequent resup determination events to reset its request and the old request was still hanging around because it was only suspended.
What I have decided to do is to automatically reset the request status to normal at the start of the regular resup determination. This means that the suspension really only affects emergency request. The base will send out another column each regular resup determination. It's not perfect but it does ensure these guys aren't lost forever to resupply.
There is still another issue though and that concerns the supply line being drawn. I think I need to manually reset the unit's supply line status when I reset the request supply status to suspended. I'll get onto that soon.