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The Weapons Cache - Near Nha Thrang; August 20, 1965 - AAR


Nov 12, 2016

The jungles of vietnam...does it really matter if we were sent there to destroy a goddamn weapons cache, kill some charlie or something else? They don't give a single f***! Why don't they go into this s*ithole to be blown up by booby-traps? They don't want us here, we don't want to be here and from home they don't want us back.

This were the toughts of Lt.Jenson just after the first step in the jungle...another time...this time the HQ presumed that some farmers were hiding some weapons for the communists. The liutenant and his platoon were sent there in what seemed to be just an ordinary routine mission.


Six turns. US starts with the initiative. Here Lt. Jenson's platoon:


Pretty standard doctrine, maybe just a bit over the top. M60s were not that common, even if the grunts liked the sound of those beasts they were usually equipped with scoped M16s with a bipode too.
1-327 platoon is composed of brave grunts, maybe even too young to be there, nevermind.
Those guys are lucky to have a medic and a decent leader. Those M60s are what will save the day.


That will be the landing zone. Pretty close to the village and guess what? A jungle...

The village looks empty, Bernard, bring your squad with you and go scout the area.

Bernard : Sir, i've a very bad feeling about it...i'm shaking...
C'mon, at once. I want to be back before dawn.
Bernard : Hmm? Whats that noise?
Pvt. Norch : Your arse!
Bernard : Shut up idiots, i'm serious...
Beernards : Holy Shi*! CHARLIE!
*sounds of heavy fire*

HOLD ON GUYS! Platoon, move!
Bernard : Dammnit sir! They're cutting us like ropes!


And this was the beginning of the scenario, the VC were hidden and attacked when the US was less expecting it but that was the only possible choice, risk a squad or an entire platoon?
The turn proceeded from bad to worse as the VC contingent quickly manuevered to isolate and eliminate completely the first US squad. They're gone. In the end Lt Jenson, his squad and the M60 gave back some of the rage, i was clever to not give an M60 to the overwatch squad.
All of this stuff just on turn 1, thats Lock'n Load guys. Now, seemingly overconfidents the congs get the initiative.


The 1st platoon decided to not give easy shots and slowly approached the shaken half squad, divide et impera...but just before the melee the cong sniper appeared shaking the US squad sent to close in and destroy the remnants of the shredded squad.


After that both sides playied a game of manuever with no shots fired.

The congs reorganized a perimeter inside the village while the US managed to reorganize in the woods ready to recover.


The US rallied and spent a turn in spotting attempts. Their overall morale was in doubt.

Turn four started with a US tie and initiative again, perfect as a cong squad was exactly near them. The previous rally phase, Lt Jenson grabbed the M60 of his squad to offer the much needed firepower.


The US this time were ready and used their initiative at the best they could, basically destroying the entire cong formation.

I told you the M60 are beasts.


Too bad for them tought as they don't have the needed manpower to further close in and make that action a decisive action.

The cong defense almost collapse BUT knowing they can still move and beign aware they are not good in a standoff fight they fleed into the forest with the leader carefully protected in the huts and outside of US firepower.
This is a key to fight till the end, don't overstress your leaders, better have the 0 leadership ones in the rear waiting for the worse.

End of part one...
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Nov 12, 2016
...part two!

1st platoon remnants slowly made progresses trought the village but at the cost of another entire squad, eliminated in melee by a swift move of the cong liutenant.
By the way the US resorted to their ultimate diversive tactic, they used the medic as a spotter...too bad for them the congs weren't stupid and hold onto their fire for more spicy targets.

Turns passed and the last one was an all or nothing for the tired 1st platoon.

They had to get into position now or never and by doing it they should have won initiative.


Initiative they received! Quickly the last squad rushed in to search for those weapons crates.

They managed to find them but also needed Lt Jenson with them or it wouldn't have counted.

But you remember the adjacent congs? I do and Lt's men do too as they received their last dose of bullets and they all went into hiding mode.

The Liutenant tried a last desperate move hoping to get to his men but was suppressed by the other cong squad deep in the jungle.

The sniper tried to put the word end on Lt Jenson but failed.


The game ended there. Leaving us with a sad face as those guys will probably never get home.

Game end.

15 fine.png

US failed at last. Both playied good but the early loss of two full squads almost forced the US into a hopeless last assault.

M60s are beasts and their 2 firepower really boost your chances on inflitting losses.

At the base camp of A company 1-327 Infantry no one will return that night. A resque team will be sent but no traces of the 1st platoon will ever be found. That jungle claimed their life that day.

Casualties : US - Lost the entire platoon. Some 20-29 men are MIA, presumably KIA.
VC - Lost 8-10 men. The survivors will bring with them those M16s and M60s.

That is Nam.

Hope you enjoyied.

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