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Vehicle movement and facing


Jan 12, 2016
Hi guys,

I've been playing LnL for a while now and I love the whole system.

However, there is just one thing that grinds my gears, and its to do with vehicle movement and facing.

From p40. right column, 3rd full paragraph:
Vehicles must always face a vertex (the corner between two sides of a hexagon). The red corner/arrow on a vehicle counter indicates the vehicle’s facing. When moving, vehicles enter one of the two hexes on either side of the vertex to which the red arrow points. Vehicles can, however, pivot within their hex. The cost is one MP per vertex turned.
This means that a vehice when it moves one hex must then spend another MP to change facing. To my mind this is wrong. If the vehicle stays in its own hex and wants to pivot then yes I agree 100% with having to spend MPs.

But vehicles dont always move in straight lines. Even a tank or a small truck has some ability to change directions as it moves forwards.

Maybe this should be amended to include a forward movement allowing at least one change of facing for free.

What do you guys think?
