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WAW 85: Core Rules v2.0 and Starter Kit Scenario Questions and Observations


Oct 13, 2018
This is in regards to the new World At War 85 Storming the Gap core rules and the included starter kit, i.e. what is currently on kickstarter.

Starter Kit Observations/FYI
1. The included counters do not have a F.F.E counter, even though the "A Matter of Bridges" scenario has both on board and off board artillery.
2. The four "objective" counters are NATO blue on both sides. Believe one side is supposed to be Soviet Red.
3. Scenario Rules, item 2 on the Scenario Essentials page talks about "corresponding lettered Soviet Objective card" and "Shuffle the 10 Objective Points cards", neither of which is included in the Starter Kit.
4. The included counters seem to have smaller numbers than what I've seen on the kickstarter page and in videos. Not sure if these may be an older version of the counters. (I'm old and my eyesight has always been bad!)
5. It is a little bit of a struggle to play this game for the first time without a Sequence of Play chart (I made my own).

Rule Questions:
1. 2.3.7 Rebuild the Formation Deck. In the Starter Kit scenario, there are two Bravo 1/11th ACR formation cards. If the turn ends, i.e. the second End Operations card is drawn before either one or both of the Bravo formation cards are drawn, is the US player now guaranteed two Bravo 1/11th ACR formation activation in the next turn?
2. 14.7.2 Strike Procedure (Indirect Fire). An example of this would be nice in relation to Light & Heavy Armor. The way I read this is that Light & Heavy Armor is treated like Infantry and unarmored targets, but get an additional 1d6 due to being Light & Heavy Armor. And their base save roll is a 5+, like a soft target.

Thanks for the great game. Quite bloody, which it would have been.