Dave 'Arjuna' O'Connor

Panther Games Designer
SITREP Thu 10 Sep 2020

Hi all,

We've hit a snag here this week. I have a bug in the new partial replanning code which sees new reinforcements going on hold. It doesn't happen all the time but when it does it can rob a side of significant force for a period of time - ie until the on map boss does a complete replan. I've managed to trap the occurrence today. I'll try and squash it tomorrow. But it will mean the build won't go out till next week. Sorry.

Dave 'Arjuna' O'Connor

Panther Games Designer
SITREP Fri 11 Sep 2020

I fixed the bug in the partial replanning code, along with two other bugs thrown up by the autotester. One of these highlighted an error in the reinforcement arrival code. At game start all on map bases have their depot's dump initialised with supplies. However, when a base arrives as a reinforcement, it was initialising the base unit's supplies but not those of its depot. So the base essentially arrives without any supplies to send forward. That's fixed now.

I've kicked off the autotester again and will review the results tomorrow.

Dave 'Arjuna' O'Connor

Panther Games Designer
Yeah good news. Sorry I was too exhausted last night to post, but I've almost finished the new build 5.2.46. I just have to convert the data for the core scenarios and then I can finish it off. Should get that done Monday morning. Pavlo and I will then work up the installers for Steam and LNL. Shouldn't take long. Then I'll convert the data for the various existing modules and work up an installer for the new Bradley at Bay module. Touch wood, I'm aiming to wrap up all this by the end of next week. We'll need a couple of weeks to playtest the BAB scenarios with the latest build. So it should go on sale in about three to four weeks.

john connor

Great news, Dave. Progress! Well done! Look forward to the playtesting.

To be clear, is the plan that the new build goes out to LnL and Steam as a kind of 'open beta', without the usual 'internal' testing? But not the BaB module? That gets 'internal testing' with the new beta build .46 before going on sale?