SITREP Fri 10 Mar 23

Hi all,

Testing the attack code, I encountered an assert because a single HQ had multiple, concurrent tasks from the same attack developed by its boss. The tasks should have been sequential. But the DevelopComplexAttack() code hadn't got the timings right. So, I have replicated the new ConfirmTImings code from DevelopBasicAttack() and then modified it to handle multiple subAttacks. Nearly done now. Should finish this next week. Then there will be more testing.
SITREP Fri 17 Mar 23

Hi all,

This week I finished changes to the attack timings code and managed to run through the initial attacks by CCA HQ in day 1 of the tutorial. It was great to see all the sub attacks go in. Alas, it's now asserting in a subsequent basic attack. For some reason it's wrongly killed off the move to reserve task. I'll investigate this further next week. It shouldn't take long to sort out. The good thing is that a complex attack and its subsequent basic sub attacks are now being put in as intended. I'm very pleased with this.
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Really happy to hear about the progress and it cant come soon enough!
I'm currently following an AAR that is being posted on Discord and its really giving me the itch to play, but I'm holding off for the update.

Side note but on the steam store -BaB page. Screen shot showing the 10.5cm le FH 18/40 has a typo in the decription. "The late-war version was fit upon the a similar carriage....
SITREP Fri 31 Mar 23

Hi all,

I've been stomping on bugs and now the tutorial recording that I have been using for testing gets to Day 2, 02:02. I've ironed out so many small issues and a few larger ones. The Day 1 attacks have all now gone through - yeah! This includes several complex attacks by CCA 4AD, a plethora of basic attacks, a couple of inSitu attacks, not to mention attacks in line and echeloned. I'm pleased with this progress.

Right now, I've just struck an assert I had made when I revised the basing code for Move missions back in Feb 2022. My comments above the assert made me smile. They were along the lines that if we end up here it means we CAN have a based subject for a Move who is also the senior subordinate for his boss's Move. A senior sub is a unit who acts as the hub for a move formation while the boss is basing. It looks like my assumption that the missionTask code would not allow this was wrong.

I need a fresh mind to deal with this so I'm downing tools for the week and will get stuck back in on Monday.
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Sound like the home stretch of coding (I think). Can't wait!
Thank you for all the efforts you and your team have accomplished!
Good work Skipper
The closer we get the more excited!
I'm sure there's a butch of us sat staring at our screens waiting for this update
No pressure Dave :)))
I really appreciate the frequent updates. Thank you for that!

Yes, its time for some well deserved resting. A fresh mind is the best condition to work around that nasty code, isnt it?
It feels like Ive been waiting for over a year for this Attack Code Refresh and update.... I have not played this game since that point. I wonder how many have dropped this game because of this update.. Basically its not a good marketing situation im sure... Yours Faithfully :)
Well Vin
Nothing like a bit of encouragement hey!
But I guess it takes all sorts
I know its a negative statement !! :) Just playing hard/soft and fully appreciate the efforts to produce a game like this... Im glad its here in the first place... Im glad the Dev(s) are still working on it... All very much appreciated. Regards

Alas, it's been longer than a year. Very sad I know and yes, it's not good for sales. But hey it's just me and Pavlo coding and Pavlo's been out of action most of that time. I just keep doing what I can, while I can. This week saw more polishing of the code. The outstanding issue from last week turned out to be an issue with a test function IsSeniorSub(). It was testing to see if the subject was in formation with its boss but the new attack code assigns the seniorSub to its own task within the boss's plan and so it was failing that test. A simple fix in the end but it took a lot of time to work out the cause. I also added code to ensure that when a subordinate starts, completes or abandons its mission that it creates an event to advise the boss so they can update the status of the subordinate task/plan in his opPlan. This solved a number of related issues.
I also fixed an issue that was preventing sub-attacks from being synced in a complex attack.

I've ended this short Easter week with a force allocation anomaly. CCA's attack saw its forces pushing across the Steinbruck crossing. This triggered a reaction from the German onMapBoss who ordered the 1.27 Fus Bn to counter attack. But two units were assigned the 1.27 Bn HQ and its first company. For some bizarre reason the HQ's fails to get allocated to the reserve task of the new attack plan or to any other task for that matter. Plus, the 1.27 Fus Coy gets allocated to both the reserve and assault tasks. It's a bit hard to be in two places at once. So, the code spat the dummy. The error lies within the Allocation(). I'll dive into that after Easter.

He is Ukranian but is now living in Germany. He's had a rough trot this last year. The war has been horrible for so many.

I am from Germany and I hope he and the other ukrainian people, mostly women and children, find a certain shelter here and at our fellow european neighbours like poland and others. Still, the body might be in safety, but the mind keeps being troubled given by this act of shame.

Actually not many male ukrainians make it to get out due to the restrictions with just a few exceptions. But many stand or return into their country. And almost all of them, wherever they are, try to find a way ro contribute according their skills and opportunities to overcome that scourge of war.
SITREP Fri14 Apr 23

Hi all,

Clobbered a swathe of bugs this week. I now get through the first lot of attacks launched by CCA 4AD. As the situation opens out after the initial crossing objective the German's launch their own counter-attack. With more space for both sides I'm getting into the arty staging code that I wrote for attacks a year ago. I'm currently dealing with an interesting case that I had not planned for. The Germans are counter-attacking with one of their inf battalions. All units of the main Attack force group are close to their intended objective, so there is no approach route, just an assault route. I hadn't catered for this, so I made some changes to the code to substitute the assault route in such cases.

But then I struck another problem with this case. The onCallSpt force group (FG) has the arty units and it's separate to the mainAttackFG. This attack has two arty units, one of which is close by and one a long way back. The one nearby is no drama. It deploys near the start of the assault route. The on far back though creates a join route to the start of the assault route. But alas its final staging poiunt remains set at the start of the assault route. I now need to concatenate the routes and recalc the final staging position to avoid pushing the longer ranged arty unit too far forward where it will be within its min bombard range and hence unable to fire in support of the attack.

I'm sharing this with you so you can appreciate the nuances that are at play in what is a very complex situation.
SITREP Fri14 Apr 23

Hi all,

Clobbered a swathe of bugs this week. I now get through the first lot of attacks launched by CCA 4AD. As the situation opens out after the initial crossing objective the German's launch their own counter-attack. With more space for both sides I'm getting into the arty staging code that I wrote for attacks a year ago. I'm currently dealing with an interesting case that I had not planned for. The Germans are counter-attacking with one of their inf battalions. All units of the main Attack force group are close to their intended objective, so there is no approach route, just an assault route. I hadn't catered for this, so I made some changes to the code to substitute the assault route in such cases.

But then I struck another problem with this case. The onCallSpt force group (FG) has the arty units and it's separate to the mainAttackFG. This attack has two arty units, one of which is close by and one a long way back. The one nearby is no drama. It deploys near the start of the assault route. The on far back though creates a join route to the start of the assault route. But alas its final staging poiunt remains set at the start of the assault route. I now need to concatenate the routes and recalc the final staging position to avoid pushing the longer ranged arty unit too far forward where it will be within its min bombard range and hence unable to fire in support of the attack.

I'm sharing this with you so you can appreciate the nuances that are at play in what is a very complex situation.
Particularly for an attack, the principle determination is whether the end point for the event remains under an artillery bombardment support umbrella.

Given that the attack is over a relatively short distance which precludes planning an approach route and on the assumption the LR artillery already is in place to provide defensive bombardment support against the nearby enemy force's attack, there may be no need to move the LR artillery because the friendly force is counterattacking.