
Happy New Year to all. Hope everyone is healthy and safe.
Dave and co. what's the status of the update please?

Dave 'Arjuna' O'Connor

Panther Games Designer
I have been working my way through the ConfirmAttackTimings() code this week. Because of the changes made to address the stalled attacks issue, this isnow more complex. We now have six extra tasks within the plan. I have finished seeding the onitial or desired timings. Yesterday I started work on managing the cases where we have a shortfall. This further complicated if the boss has assigned a HHour. I hope to finish this next week. Then I'll be able to test the new attack code and iron out any problems I have introduced.


Thanks Dave, let's hope the next version comes out soon. The current one is unplayable. Massive lag spikes on any scenario, no matter how small.


Minor enhancement: sorted Estab Forces list in ScenMaker.
Previously, we had them unsorted (left). Now, they are sorted by HQ, unit size and alphabet (right). This should make finding a proper Estab in ScenMaker easier.

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Thanks Dave, let's hope the next version comes out soon. The current one is unplayable. Massive lag spikes on any scenario, no matter how small.
We've done some rather extensive internal analysis of 4 or 5 lag spike reports in December, and all of these were caused by arriving reinforcements, which is kind of expected and known "feature" of the AI.
Could you please record and attach a new recording file using the latest beta on Steam, specifying at least 2-3 timestamps where you experience lag spikes? Also could you please check whether these lag spikes are reproducible on your machine at these very same timestamps when you replay the recording? Thanks in forward.

Dave 'Arjuna' O'Connor

Panther Games Designer
SITREP Wed 17 Feb 2021

Hi all,

Haven't got as much done these last few weeks for a number of reasons. I had to spend time on accounts to comply with Government covid assistance reporting. Also my youngest has been in hospital for a number of weeks now and it's been rather harrowing. Still not out of the woods yet but things have improved somewhat.

I have finished the bulk of the changes to the PlanAttack::ConfirmTimings(). However there is an issue with cases where the boss assigns a HHour. This leaves a fixed preHHourDuration and a fixed postHHourDuration. The preHHourDuration now covers the moveToAssembly, Assemble, moveToReserve, moveToFUP and FUPReorg. I have written code to handle those cases where there is insufficient time and it will now try and crib those tasks so long as it meets the minimum duration for each. Similarly I've done the same for the postHHourDuration. However, where these internal finessing is still not enough to meet the assigned timings I have to ask the boss for more time.

Trouble is the existing code that asks for this passes in just one slippage amount. That works fine where everything is to be slipped by the same amount. But there are cases where the subordinate planning the basic attack can meet the assigned HHour but doesn't have enough time for the required postHHourDuration (the assault and final reorg). So I need to jump into the Slippage code and change it so that it can take in an additional HHourSlipage amount and then manage the two requested slippage amounts accordingly.

I have to admit, this is a rabbit hole I have not visited for many years. Part of me would prefer not to have to go down that hole. In an endeavour to obviate that I considered making changes to ensure that the FUP chosen allowed for an assault route that could be completed in time with the boss' assigned End. Some of the assault routes can be quite long.

I have investigated this and just finished overhauling the code that determines the FUP. If the boss has assigned a HHour then it uses the postHHourDuration (End - HHour) as the maxAssaultDuration. The DetermineFUP() now uses that as an additional factor when looping backwards along each approach route. So in addition to enemy firepower it factors in assault duration and derives a suitability for each loc along the route. Then it sorts them and chooses the best one. This should allow more nuance in selecting an FUP. It will probably see the selection of FUPs closer to the objective even if they have some enemy firepower. Though it will still rule out any loc whose enemy firepower exceeds a threshold.

I finished that code today. This will reduce instances where there is a need to ask the boss for more postHHourDuration. But it won't eliminate the need. Tomorrow I'll dive into the slippage hole and add the capability to handle HHour slippages.

Dave 'Arjuna' O'Connor

Panther Games Designer
Thanks guys for your kind regards. My youngest son, Garry, is now recovering in the rehab hospital. They reckon he'll be there to at least June. But at least the worst is passed and he's on the mend - fingers crossed. I should be able to get stuck back into the coding next week. Thank you all for your patience.


I know how you feel, around end of May in 2019 I had a stroke. Thank the gods it happened on a long weekend and my wife was there to help. She called the ambulance right away. I was in a hospital until end of June. Since then I'm recovering...and then the damn Covid happens. It all feels like a bad sci-fi movie. I'm mostly fine now, my brain is ok and physically I'm 99% ok. You know when stuff like this happens, it makes one realize the simple fact that life is so precious. I'm glad to hear things are getting better for your son. Family and health are very important.

I only recently acquired Command Ops 2 (for now, the Cauldron module). Very cool game, I wish more wargames would get rid of turn based system and go completely real time.

Anyway, I was going through this forum, trying to find out if there are more modules planned in the near future. I do not wish to come of as whiny, but I would really wish for more mid '43 - mid '44 settings. Something where the Axis side was not on its last legs.
Tunis campaign, invasion of Italy, and various late summer-autumn '43 Red army offensives.

This timeframe is suitable for various hypotheticals (Churchill's belly thrust in the Balkans would be fun, as I am from that region, or what-ifs on the Eastern front, like what-if the Dnieper was better defended).

It seems to me that the development of new modules has stalled in last couple of years, which is a shame. The only thing I could find on the steam and forums seems to be a Russian-Japanese conflict module. Which sounds cool, Russia with its hordes of early tanks and I-15s and I-16s, against....well, I haven't a clue what the Japanese bring to the field of battle. But this too seems to be trapped is some kind of development hell



If you go through the forums some more, you'll find links to some user created scenarios, groups of scenarios, semi-modules. An excellent one on the battles around Caen, a pretty extensive North Africa one (which unfortunately because of my own real life issues I just haven't had time to really delve into yet, but looks great and I'm anxious to get into it). There are a couple Russian front ones floating around - don't know the status of those. There's an upcoming Bradley at Bay official module. Also, just remembered, there's a Saipan scenario out there. All of those you should find links to in the Scenarios section of this forum. Just keep scrolling. Some great user created stuff out there.

Not to mention the game gives you all the tools to create your own, should you be so inclined.

There may be a bit of a pause/quiet spell right at the moment as many are waiting for the next game engine release and Dave has had a series of real life issues to deal with.

I agree with you. It's a great game, and there is a ton of content already. Welcome!
