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A relaxing afternoon at War; LnLT style


Apr 26, 2020
I had the Saturday off in Ohio so I decided that I'd spend it with my favorite board game. My wife fully supported this decision.

[LIE - she's angry at me for not bring up the Christmas Tree from the basement]

My favorite era is the Pacific Theater during WW2 for many reasons. My Grandfather was on Iwo Jima (more about him in later posts, he was one hell of a man) and I'm a former Marine. The obvious module of choice for me is Heroes of the Pacific and the earliest dated scenario is the Raid on Taivu, 12-Sept-1942. This is a smaller island off the coast of Guadalcanal and the Coastal Watchers insisted that there was ongoing Japanese activity, so Vandegrift’s staff decided to send Edson and the Raiders to see what they could find AND to be back by that afternoon because dinner was going to be a sit-down occasion.

[LIE; there was no formal dining on Guadalcanal to my knowledge.]

I'm the sort of board gamer who really enjoys immersion, so I decided to drag out my Grandmother's antique mahogany table from the dinning room to the beautiful shores of Lake Erie to setup the Heroes of the Pacific scenario Raid on Taivu and to enjoy the balmy sun and calming surf. I even brought along a cooler of my favorite beverages. So I now have my toes in the sand and a drink in my hand (yes, it's Van Halen). I was so impressed with the locale that I had to share this photo - you can't beat the beaches in Cleveland this time of year.
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[LIE - it's 39F and raining; the Cuyahoga River runs into the lake and if you dip your foot into it the water your toes will dissolve. The river actually caught fire in 1969. Also, I only drank coffee.]

Ok then, I have the boards arranged and all of the US Marines and Japanese counters ready to place - and of course I'll be playing the Marines in a Solo game. Scanning the horizon, I can see that my fire support from the USS Manely and McKean are right in place (not to mention the Yippies). Wow, those boys are really close to shore. Edison's Raiders rode in style!
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[LIE - from all of the accounts that I have read, the Marines spent a miserable night exposed to the cold waves washing over the gunwhales which was inundated with vomit and other nastiness from my jarheads]

Anyways, enough of the scenery - time to start planning the placements. I think I'll sta.....

Whaooooo..., a female native just walked up. I think she just mumbled something about 'fascinating', 'ASL' and 'not having her own dice'.
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Thpppppttttt. I promptly yelled "Six-foot spacing lady - and where the hell is your mask!!!! Covid is about. Besides this is Solo..., move along!".

She left but I'm pretty sure she wanted to play the Marines AND she was eyeing my cooler. Some people!

Ok, nearly there now to when the carnage of battle will start – the gut-wrenching decisions that require sacrifice of one’s own troops, the eloquent dance of engagement and counter attack, the anticipation of high rolling dice and grasping victory from overwhelming odds. My Saturday is going to be marvelous - favorite game - magnificent setups, stunning location, beer cooler, etc.

Yes sir, everything is ready to go on my Grandmother's antique mahogany table on a wonderful beach setup between two palm trees..., two swaying mature palm trees..., two swaying mature palm trees that appear to be fruitful...

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[The wife yell's "Christmas Tree NOWWWWW!!!!!!]

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Soooo close to contentment. This is my life. I'm truly Charlie Brown.

Choosing a location for battle should be considered very carefully. Underneath coconut trees might not be a wise choice, nor around cats or when the wife yells that she needs the table cleared of your ‘toys’ to feed the kids.

[LIE; I don’t have palm trees or cats. My son is 29. I do have a wife that yells at my ‘toys’.]

This semi-comical post was intended to promote the TableTop Simulator program that encompasses the full range of Lock ‘n Load Tactical modules (and other titles from LnL) and NOT as an AAR. This experience is due to the efforts of Rich Thofen who created the TableTop modules and to Lock ‘n Load Publishing for recognizing the potential of this media and for the outstanding game design where I don't have to possess a 10 terra byte rule brain.

The ease of set-up, the stunning visual of the game components, the feel of playing a real board game, the simplistic user controls and the ability to play head-to-head or solo..., it’s all there.

John Reebel

Oct 27, 2020
Cleveland Ohio
Hey, I too live in the CLE. But I don't diss the river - things have gotten so much better in that regard. Never heard about tabletop simulator before but will give it a look.


Apr 26, 2020
Glad to see you enjoying, just watch out for the random “native girl”…, they always want to play The Marine side.

Stéphane Tanguay

Staff member
Aug 2, 2013
I put them back after playing; allows me to see if one has gone MIA and tells you that I don't play often with my physical copies at the moment...