john connor
Just a general query, Dave, though I can back up with saves and examples in future if there's anything to it. What is artillery effectiveness meant to be like? I seem to be regularly seeing that a concentrated bombardment (I'm guessing that's what it is from the graphics, though I don't really know - it looks heavy, anyway) of about half an hour (with breaks) onto entrenched troops, whether they're in the open, in a town, whatever, will (a) cause them to break and retreat, (b) occasion at least 20% casualties. If it continues for an hour (again, with breaks) then I regularly see around 33% casualties, sometimes followed by a rout. Is this all within the bounds of normal, working as intended? I have no idea how effective real arty was. Anecdotally, I had expected that entrenched troops, especially in an urban setting, might (a) withstand the attack better (though much will depend on their starting stats, of course), (b) take less casualties.