Jason young
Here is the scenario:
I have a tank mounted AM capable MMC w/leader on one side of a single hex building. There is a AM capable german MMC w/leader on the other side of the bldg.
I have the mmc w/leader assault move off the sherman tank. He saves the rest of his move for future impulse. The german then decides to AM into the building. My question is, can the American unit fire first or does the german get to move and then fire before the American Op fires?
I have a tank mounted AM capable MMC w/leader on one side of a single hex building. There is a AM capable german MMC w/leader on the other side of the bldg.
I have the mmc w/leader assault move off the sherman tank. He saves the rest of his move for future impulse. The german then decides to AM into the building. My question is, can the American unit fire first or does the german get to move and then fire before the American Op fires?