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Gameplay Questions


Jul 23, 2015
Kingston, ON
I have some gameplay-related questions that I'm hoping someone can help me with.

1. Are unarmoured units disrupted by their first hit, or reduced?

2. Are half-hexes playable in a scenario?

3. Do tank support weapons follow the infantry support weapon rule (no hits to run out of ammo), or is it if they score the maximum number of hits that they are out of ammo?

4. Why can DPICM only affect AFVs?

5. Can someone explain the difference between fixed vs. infinity range options for onboard artillery?

6. Does it cost more to move through a smoke hex?

7. Can airstrikes target a smoke hex? If yes, at what penalty?

8. Do both artillery fire missions for a turn have to be pre-selected and then resolved, or can you wait to see the results of the first and potentially attack the same hex a second time?

9. There is a reference in the rules about helicopters landing in mine hexes. Can helos land, or is this something scenario-specific?

Any help/clarification on this would be much appreciated.

Keith Tracton

Staff member
Jan 23, 2016
I will get you answers tonight when I am back at my computer!

Sent from my SM-J320P using Tapatalk

Keith Tracton

Staff member
Jan 23, 2016
1. Are unarmored units disrupted by their first hit, or reduced?

Disrupted. One always disrupts. Unless the unit is already disrupted and suffers one hit, then it is reduced.

2. Are half-hexes playable in a scenario?

Yes. In deference to the new maps which are geomorphic. You may as well get used to it. J

3. Do tank support weapons follow the infantry support weapon rule (no hits to run out of ammo), or is it if they score the maximum number of hits that they are out of ammo?

The latter. (Both ammunition guidelines will be replaced in the new series with a new, consistent, morale-based missile ammunition rule.)

4. Why can DPICM only affect AFVs?

That is the way the old rules were written. However, it is incorrect. Dual Purpose Improved Conventional Munitions contained many sub-munitions designed for both anti-armor and antipersonnel attack. However the sub-munitions had a high failure rate. Until the new series’ Core Rules are finalized, simply allow armor to be attacked and use their Armor and Save Values as usual to fend off the artillery attacks. (There will also be a new failure rate roll of some sort but that has not been finalized.)

5. Can someone explain the difference between fixed vs. infinity range options for onboard artillery?

To preface this: the infinity symbol is being removed from the counters in the new series. It is redundant (see my answer for you below), and I am replacing the symbol and the existing range value by calculating new Range Values (long as they may be, and 18km range on a map with 150m hexes is pretty long…) for all Artillery and Mortars in the series, self-propelled or otherwise.

The infinity symbol in the old rules/counters means a unit ostensibly has three modes of fire:

- Firing up to the printed range, Directly (target in LOS)

- Firing PAST the indicated range DIRECTLY but resolving it as an HE Fire Mission with values from the unit firing. Note: Directly means it has a LOS to the target but once past the printed range there is no restriction on maximum range.

- Firing AT ANY RANGE (thus the infinity symbol) but INDIRECTLY (i.e. with a same-formation-HQ or Recon spotter with LOS to the target unit), and resolving it as a normal indirect fire attack (not an HE Fire Mission).

(This is obviously confusing, so that is why I am simplifying it.)

6. Does it cost more to move through a smoke hex?

No, not according to the old rules.

7. Can airstrikes target a smoke hex? If yes, at what penalty?

As written, no. The Smoke rules say that LOS is blocked into or through Smoke markers and its six adjacent hexes, at ANY elevation. No LOS, no attack, to my mind. I cannot speak to aircraft advanced imaging that might see through it, I simply do not have that data.

8. Do both artillery fire missions for a turn have to be pre-selected and then resolved, or can you wait to see the results of the first and potentially attack the same hex a second time?

You can wait to see the results of the first strike before allocating the second. Also, there will be a new, codified step in the new Core Rules’ Formation Impulse sequence, so you do not have to remember to execute your off-board artillery strikes as something as nebulous as “the first thing you do” in a Formation Impulse.

9. There is a reference in the rules about helicopters landing in mine hexes. Can helos land, or is this something scenario-specific?

I could be mistaken, but I believe the helicopter landing rule was originally defined in one of the old module (specific game) rule sets, as opposed to the Core rules, or a specific scenario. My feeling is that Helicopter Landing is so rare it is not worth it in the old game; IIRC those games use mostly (if not all) Attack Helicopter units. OTOH I am adding transport helicopter counters in the new series, for use in Airmobile Assault scenarios. I am also adding two new modes for Helicopters, including Landed. My advice: keep your Helicopters in the air for now. J

Let me know what other questions you may have as they come up! I am happy to help!


Jul 23, 2015
Kingston, ON
Thanks, Keith. Much appreciated.

I do have another question: Is there a Marker Removal phase only when a formation activates, or is there also one at the end of the turn? In other words, does a unit that is Ops Complete, stay that way in the new turn until its formation activates? Thanks for the help.


Keith Tracton

Staff member
Jan 23, 2016
Hey Dean, always my pleasure. there is only one Marker Removal phase, at the end of the turn.

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