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Grayhound Dash feedback


Jan 4, 2018
More to the point: the problem is not the flank harrasment, but how motorized units manage to infiltrate through a good flank cover totally unnoticed.


May 4, 2018
Ottawa Canada
I'll just add my 2 cents to this very old thread only because it reflects my own feelings about this scenario. I have only just recently come backl to this series (I knew it back in the HTTR days). I played the Greyhound Dash scenario several times - and followed along with DAZ's excellent AAR.

I too found that I spent an awful lot of time playing "whack-a-mole" with units in my rear areas disrupting supply lines. This became enough of a pre-occupation that I checked the scenario design to see where they were coming from. I also turned on the auto-save feature so that when I found and infiltrator I could go back in the save games and "surrender" so that I could trace where they came from and how they got into position.

While I have no data or experience to judge whether the situations were "realistic" I did feel that there was a certain lack of balance in the performance of these infiltrating units. Because of the poor weather and visibility they seemed to have little trouble moving past my units at very close range - even when they were primarily mechanized units. But, the poor weather did not seem to hinder them from moving at a very fast pace. This, of course is hard to judge, but they certainly seemed capable of sustaining movement rates that were similar to day time movement rates.

Secondly, I found that these units were extremely adept at avoiding my pickets and road blocks even once I knew where they should be coming from. They almost never blundered into my waiting units or were discovered while moving. This despite the fact that they were (by and large) tank units while my pickets were dug in soft units. On the other hand, these units seemed to have no trouble finding and disrupting my supply lines - from a distance. So once again the poor visibility and weather seemed to keep me from finding the infiltrators, but it did not seem to hamper them in avoiding me or finding my supply routes to the same extent.

All in all, it just seemed like the balance was tipped significantly in favour of the infiltrators. At least in imho. It's not really a huge issue but I did feel that it affected the play balance - at least in this scenario.