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Heroes of the Pacific BattleGen - First Look

David Heath

Staff member
Oct 14, 2014
Pueblo West, Colorado
Hi Guys

We want to make Lock 'n Load Tactical your tactical game with the most options. Well with a help from some LnL fans we been working on a BattleGen for Heroes of the Pacific. What is a BattleGen? It will be a system that allows you to build your own scenarios based on points. Below you will find a first look at this played by Ralph Ferrari.

Here are the details for the battle we generated.

We selected a Attacker vs Defender small battle, each side getting 250 points. Japanese are attackers with an extra 50 points, and US Army defenders with 30 extra points. Japanese total of 300 points no US total of 280 points. Turns = 7. Use Map 32 with Column O as north. Attacker starts from the west, and defender sets up everywhere else, except within attacker set up area. Target areas are: H5/J6/M4. Two artillery missions per side were rolled.

US Army starting forces:
Sgt Ferrari
1-6-4-5 X 4
1-6-4-4 X 2
Bazooka X 1
M1917A1 WT X 1
M1919A4 X 2
60mm Mortar X 1
M4A1 X 2
M1919A6 X 1
Foxhole X 3

Japanese starting forces:
Sniper X 1
Sgt Hiro
Lt Kusanagi
1-5-4-5 X 8
1-4-4-4 X 4
50mm Mortar X 1
Flamethrower X 2
Type 96 X 3
Type I X 1
Type 97 X 1
Type 95 X 1
G4M Betty X 1 (Rolled to entered on Turn 4)

Off we want and battled it out. Overall we found it played very well, and came down to the last turn, although the Japanese had only a small chance to pull out a victory. The Japanese end up adjacent to the last victory hex needed, but got eliminated from Op Fire coming from the Victory Hex on the last impulse. We felt the US player got some really good DRs early on, or it could have turned into a rout. The Japanese not shaking, and the Banzai potential puts a ton of pressure on the US player, especially if the Japanese get a good DR on bonus points when building the scenario, which wasn't the case in this one.

We know this is not a lot to go on but we really love to hear your feedback and ideas.


HOTP - Setup.jpg HOTP - Turn2.JPG HOTP - Turn 3.JPG HOTP - Turn 5.JPG HOTP - Turn 7.JPG HOTP - End of Game.JPG
Sep 26, 2015
Hiram, Georgia
I would like to buy a software package that would allow me to design maps with the similar terrain style you use and print them to my local office supply store. I think this would encourage people to design their own scenarios and then share them so each other person could print and play the maps and TO&E's.
Sep 26, 2015
Hiram, Georgia
If I could suggest further, there is a great program that is kinda of not going anywhere which is at: http://www.hexdraw.com/

You can see that it is a simple drop and draw program which you could create a template with your artwork already in house. Maybe there is a means that you buy out the program and then sell it as a LnL only program with some sort of controls so that you do not have your artwork become freeware.

People could easily make 11x17 maps and have them printed at the Office Depot/Staples for just a few dollars. This way you could get a fan base of scenarios and maps, and you could focus on counters and combined products based on what people are spending their time and money on.

I have actually used the program to convert ASL scenario's over to the LnL system. I think ASL does well with their third party providers (TPPs) to grow the interest in their product.

But thank you for considering the idea.