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How to replace NAW counters with errata with the NAW Replacement counters

Stéphane Tanguay

Staff member
Aug 2, 2013
Some people have problems figuring out which original counters are replaced by the NAW replacement counters. So here is something for you out there:

S= Original counter sheet number
R= Row

so S2R4C3-7 means the replacements counters are to replace the originals on the original counter sheet 2, row 4, columns 3 to 7.

NAW Compendium
- The 1/26 Formation marker replace the 1/16 formation marker (S2R8C8)
- The 2 “6PDR ATG” attached counters replace the 2 “6 PDR ATG” with no truck on their reverse side (S1R9C8 and S1R10C1)
- The SS Pz.Abt.101 Formation marker replace the S.Pz.Abt. 501 Formation marker (S2R9C2)
- Add the 3 Char B1/B1 bis counters and the 3rd Huss Formation marker to the game

White Star Rising
- The 4 M4A1 counters from 4/51st ARM replace the 4 counters that have M4A3E8 on the front side and M4A1 on the back side (S3R6C4-7)
- The M20 counter from 73rd REC replaces the counter with M20 on the front side and M8 on the back (S3R11C6)
- The 10 ARM INF counters(5 full strength and 5 reduced) from BECK replace the 10 ARM INF counters(5 full strength and 5 reduced) from BECK. Assault numbers changed on the reverse (vehicle) side (S2R5C1-8 and S2R6C1-2)
- The 4 ARM INF counters(2 full strength and 2 step loss) from AUFKL_ABT_4 replace the 4 ARM INF counters (2 full strength and 2 step loss) from AUFKL_ABT_4. Assault numbers changed on the reverse(vehicle) side (S2R7C1-4)
- Add the USA and German DESIGNATED FORMATION, 17PDR ATG, M4A3E2 JUMBO and HETZER counters to the game

Stalin's Triumph

- The 3 TIGER counters from 505 HVY PZ replace the 3 TIGER counters from 505 HVY PZ (S5R1C6-8)
- The 2 TIGER counters from 9th PZ replace the 2 TIGER counters from 9th PZ (S5R7C1-2)
- The 3 TIGER counters from TOTENKOPF replace the 3 TIGER counters from TOTENKOPF (S5R1C3-5)
- The 2 TIGER counters from DAS REICH replace the 2 TIGER counters from DAS REICH (S5R4C4-5)
- Add the 3 M3S GRANT and 3 SHERMAN counters to the game

Desert Heat
- The 4 “2 PDR PORTEE” attached counters replace the 4 “2 PDR PORTEE” attached counters. HE range corrected (S4R2C1-4)
- The M3 GRANT attached counter replaces the M3 GRANT attached counter with SHERMAN on the reduced side (S4R1C1)
- The 2 “45 MM” mortar attached counters replace the 2 “81 MM” mortar attached counters with 45MM on the reduced side (S4R10R6-7)
- The 3rd PIS HQ counter replaces the 3rd PIS HQ counter with non-reduced leadership on the reverse side (S4R7C4)
- The 3 “2PDR ATG” attached counters replace the 6 “2PDR ATG” attached counters (3 full strength and 3 reduced). (S4R3C1-3 but see note below)
- The 75MM ATG attached counter replaces the 6 PDR ATG attached step reduced counter (S2R6C6)
- The MTZ INF counter from 7th DR replaces the MATILDA reduced counter from 7th DR with LORRY on the reverse side (S3R11C1)
- The SDKFZ 231 counter from METTING replaces the SDKFZ 231 counter from METTING with several values changed (S5R3C7)
- The 125 PZG HQ counter replaces the 125 PZG HQ counter with incorrect leadership value on the front side (S5R5C6)
- The TIGER attached counter replaces the TIGER attached counter with several values changed (S5R10C1)
- The 2 TIGER counters from PZ.ABT.501 replaces the 2 TIGER counters from PZ.ABT.501 with several values changed (S5R8C3-4)
- The 3 MARDER II attached counters replace the 3 MARDER II attached counters with HE range value changed (S5R11C2-4)
- Add the MATILDA, MARDER III and CRUSADER counters to the game

The three 2PDR ATG really replace the 3 reduced ones (which had incorrect values). Instead of printing a lorry on the back side, a full strength version was printed, as the lorries in the game could still be used when in transport mode. So I kept the replaced reduced version counters, with a reduced version of the lorry on their back side, after having marked a big X on the gun side (making sure I'm not mixing them with the replacement counters). LNLP reported that this was done also to allow for all the additional counters to fit in the Replacement counters sheet

A large part of this information was posted by Charles Ryder on the LNP NAW Facebook page. I essentially only added the sheet, row, column by going through all my boxes), except for the Compendium replacement counters, for which I did everything.

I decline any responsibility if I made an error and you throw perfectly good counters in the recycling bin because of me :)
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Sean Druelinger

Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
Thank you for posting this detailed explanation of the replacement counters!

thank you


Jul 26, 2020
I second that!! Thanks Stephane!!

This helped me a bunch because I bought all three core games, compendium, and the solo assistant during the Labor Day 30% off sale. I was good to go in no time thanks to Stephane.

I wish I would’ve made a note for this to share here but there’s 3 errors total in the list. I remember that two were off by one or two counter spaces left and right (3-6 counter space range) and one shows counters in early spaces but were actually at the end of the row. Either way, your post helped me.

For those 2PDR ATG counters, I went to OfficeMax and had the front of all three counters color copied and then cut out the HE factors from the copy and gluesticked it over the incorrect factor on the back. They look perfect now. Because this game has an Axis & Allies minis feel to it, I didn’t want to give up my lorries.

Have fun!!


Stéphane Tanguay

Staff member
Aug 2, 2013
Damn you Curt, now I have to go over everything to make the list perfect :)

Jay Townsend

Aug 19, 2013
Thanks for the list Stephane, as I may have mixed some replacement counters with the originals in some cases.