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Is this correct


Mar 4, 2018
Let me see if I have this correct on game play. Reference is Scenario 2.

1. My U.S. forces are deployed on the map.
2. The Soviets have the initiative.
3. I choose to activate two BMP-1s w/Inf, and one T-62 as a recon element in order to try and get the U.S. forces to engage, in hopes of exposing their positions. No dice, the U.S. just sits, observes and reports.

4. I draw my first Formation Card (FC). Bravo 1/11ACR.
5. No Ops Complete or OoC markers yet.
6. No leaders to re-assign, my HQ was deployed near the Soviet Obj. A., and I roll OoC checks for all hexes outside the M/T range of B 1/11ACR. One hex fails and gets an OoC marker.
7. No ATGM's have been fired and no one's disrupted and I have no OBA
8. Now I decide to unleash a TOW on one of the BMP's disrupting it. Passengers are not disrupted. BMP gets a disrupted marker. The TOW gets a Missile Loading marker and Ops Complete marker.
9. I decide to hold there.
10. I draw an FC for the Soviets.

Now here's where it gets fuzzy at the least.
11. I go thru the Formation Impulse steps for the Soviets.
12. I then activate each unit currently on the board. Moving them into over watch positions.
12. I activate the units off board and move them onto the map. Everyone is Ops Complete.

13. First End of Ops Card

14. I draw the second B 1/11ACR card.
15. I remove the Ops Complete marker from the TOW and the OoC marker from the other unit.
16. No re-assignments, or deployments. I do roll for OoC. All hexes outside M/T fail.
17. Can't roll for missile reload.
18. No disrupted U.S. units.
19. No OBA
20. My jeep engages and disrupts another BMP with the TOW. Ops Complete.
21. Still haven't engaged with my SPM.

Too far to engage with the Dragon, M1 in an over watch position in S9.

14. End of Ops Card. Onto T2.

Deck is reshuffled.

Is this correct?

Was the Infantry unit that fired the TOW supposed to get an Ops Complete marker even though they didn't engage with small arms?

On units that activate twice like B 1/11ACR, am I correct in removing the Ops Complete and OoC markers in the second Formation Impulse (FM) as well? Then re-rolling for OoC? That's how I interpret the rule.

The Soviets had two smoke and two HE OBA missions in Scenario 2. Does that mean they only have two of each for the entire scenario or is it twice per turn?

Are HQ's and Commando units the only units that can spot for artillery?

Are SW's and HQ's placed on the Ready Box off map until ready to use?

Thanks for getting me pointed in the right direction.


Jul 15, 2015
Calgary, Alberta
8. Now I decide to unleash a TOW on one of the BMP's disrupting it. Passengers are not disrupted.
Actually they are:
  • if a Transport unit is Disrupted, its Passengers are Disrupted.

17. Can't roll for missile reload.

You can. Out of Command units can't take Actions but the Reload Check is not an Action and is only unavailable if the unit is Disrupted
Was the Infantry unit that fired the TOW supposed to get an Ops Complete marker even though they didn't engage with small arms?

Yes. Doing a Fire Action is what gives them the Ops Complete marker

On units that activate twice like B 1/11ACR, am I correct in removing the Ops Complete and OoC markers in the second Formation Impulse (FM) as well? Then re-rolling for OoC? That's how I interpret the rule.


The Soviets had two smoke and two HE OBA missions in Scenario 2. Does that mean they only have two of each for the entire scenario or is it twice per turn?

For the entire sceanrio

Are HQ's and Commando units the only units that can spot for artillery?
As well as Recon units. Check the National Unit charts. There is a column to indicate if a unit can spot for Artillery.

Are SW's and HQ's placed on the Ready Box off map until ready to use?

Until you want to deploy them or you have to. The HQs and SWs start there and you put the SWs out when you are going to use them in an Action. The HQs need to be deployed prior to doing a Command Check. You don't need to place them for units that arrive from a board edge as those units are assumed to be in Command when they arrive.