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Not sure if this is a bug

Jack Ruetty

Mar 2, 2014
Not sure if this is a bug or not. I had a shaken German unit in a hex with a Leader and a Medic. I used the Medic first to try to rally the shaken unit, he failed, but then I could not use the Leader to try to rally. I reloaded and tried just the opposite. I used the Leader first to try to rally the shaken unit, he failed, but then I COULD use the Medic to try to rally. The rules state that each unit can only attempt to rally once per RP, but a Medic/Corpsman trying to flip a Shaken MMC/SMC to its GO side does not constitute a rally attempt. By this wording it would seem to me the order you tried to rally (leader first medic second or vice versa) would not matter.