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On Patrol--three solo plays

Mark Drake

Aug 27, 2013
Played this scenario three times consecutively solo. A well done scenario with a few different paths to completion.

The first playing the LRRP's lost the Yard scout to the VC SMC manning an RPD,whom wounded the scout twice for the kill. LRRP's found a helo crew being held in the small ville on board 1 guarded by three NVA hs's so called in a 105 FFE and wiped all three NVA units out,and freed the helo crew. NVA platoon eners from south of board 1 but the LRRP's manage to keep ahead of the pursuers and get the crew evac'ed out on a chopper that bought in US Army reinfrocements to hold the board 4 hill The NVA also bought in a whole company of units and headed for the hill but were shot to pieces out in the open.

Game 2 went quickly as not much resistance was met and the LRRP's met up with another LRRP team and managed to get out. Only a few VC units encountered,and lost the Yard scout and LRRP hs.

Game 3 I used the events that were not triggered in the previous playings (and still did not get thru all possible events.) The Yard scout narrowly escapes dying again from a boobytrap,but the LRRP units used their Fate Points to call in gunships+arty during the scenario and these hit the NVA hard. Again the hill was to be the objective for both sides and again the NVA were held off. LRRP also got similar but different event: POW pilots guarded this time by NVA including a 12.7 WT in a foxhole in the ville. Fortunately the LRRP's spawned a new Hero (with Master Sniper ability) and blew away the WT and NVA with small arms and 105 arty. The Yard scout even launched a counterattack against the NVA by overrunning a stack of Shaken NVA (including an SMC) and picking up the RPD to deal on the commies some more.

Lessone learned:

1--US firepower is devastating! The LRRP squad and M60 is lethal,and add in arty and helos and the NVA get slaughtered in the open,and not so great if Spotted in other terrain either.

2--find better NOT to stack units because of having them ALL have to move together. Most I stack is 2 squads with a SMC and usually if at least one of those squads has a MG to lay down fire.

3--Skills add in new dimension to any scenario. The Pathfinder is great for jungle movement, Rage is a Melee bonus, and Master Sniper can nail usually one unit every shot with his 3d6 FP.

Will come back to this scenario again using the few events have not played so far.

Mark Drake

Aug 27, 2013
On Patrol game1.JPG Game 1 end--NVA shot to pieces.

On Patrol game3.JPG Game 3--similar end for NVA.