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Two Glider Landing Questions

Jack Ruetty

Mar 2, 2014
1. The Normandy Module Rules state "Add 2 to the Morale Check if any Opportunity Fire-eligible (5.3) machine gun (e.g., MG34, MG42, 7.92mm Weapon Teams) or AA Weapon Teams (AA-designated WTs or the German 88mm WT) are within range of any of the three hexes." This implies to me +2 total no matter how many eligible units there are.

The Normandy Summary Sheet states "+2 per Opportunity Fire-eligible MG, AA, or 88 mm WT in range of flight path." This implies to me +2 for every eligible unit.

In the scenario Overlord Begins I had two units fire on a glider but received a +2 modifier to the MC. Tom seems to be following the Normandy Module Rules.

So which is correct the module rules or the summary card (or am I looking at it wrong)?

2. The Normandy Summary Card states if a glider fails its MC but is <=14 "Place occupants as Shaken or eliminate WTs and vehicles." The Normandy Module Rules make no reference to (at least that I can see) eliminating WTs and vehicles.

Am I missing something or which is correct the module rules or the summary card?


Stéphane Tanguay

Staff member
Aug 2, 2013
In almost every case (and probably every case but covering my back here:)), go with the module rules; a few errors have crept in the reference cards.

1) It is not +2 per Opportunity Fire-eligible MG, AA, or 88 mm WT but +2 if any Opportunity Fire-eligible (5.3) machine gun (e.g., MG34, MG42, 7.92mm Weapon Teams) or AA Weapon Teams (AA-designated WTs or the German 88mm WT)

2) You just missed the reference:
The Glider suffers Casualties (die-roll > 2x Morale and < 3x Morale): All units in the Glider are Shaken, and randomly determine one unit that suffers Casualties, is Wounded (5.1), or (in the case of a Weapon Team or vehicle) destroyed.

But you surely noticed a diffrence; the module rules impose casualty, wound or elimination on one randomly chosen unit while the reference card does not mention wound or casualty and seems to destroy every WT and vehicle