Valor of the 13th ‘new’ Dark July?

Valor of the 13th looks to be a new release of Dark July? Correct?
It includes more scenarios, altered main map and an extra map, is LnL assuming you have the new Heroes of the Motherland as there appears to be less counters though?
Is it worth buying if you already have Dark July for the extra scenarios and map? Can these scenarios be played if you have the original Dark July and Not One Step Back games?
No, owning Not One Step Back (presumably with Band of Heroes and Swift & Bold) and Dark July will not enable you to play all Valor of the 13th scenarios. For exemple, there is only 5 x T-34 in NOSB (6 if you had the one in DJ); there is 8 in HOTM and they are all required to play the two monster scenarios of VOT13.