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World at War Unit/Forces analysis


Feb 21, 2015
On the WaW85 tactical training thread there are a couple of posts about the units of Waw85 and I replied there were various analysis of them in the Compendium and LoF magazines. I did make the point that most of the unit stats have changed but the strengths, weaknesses and roles were still valid.

Then I remembered the World at War gamers guide , which would be exactly what the guy was looking for.

It doesn't seem to be available but the LoF back issues are , could you make a digital version available?
(I have one)

Also is the old World at War Compendium available as a digital release.

I also noticed the following statement :-
Notice: Articles and Scenarios in this Magazine are more geared towards our older discontinued series Lock ‘n Load and World At War products. The latest edition of these series are now titled Lock ‘n Load Tactical and World At War 85. Updated editions of the Articles and Scenarios can be found in our Compendium products.

The last sentence seemed to imply that the Compendium products have been updated to reflect the latest versions, is this the case or does it just mean for corrections to the earlier products?

An updated version of the gamers guide would be great and I am even willing to tackle it once the game arrives and I have all the stats.