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LnLT Scenario & Map List Guide

LnLT Scenario & Map List Guide Rev. 13

LnLT 5.0 Scenario and Map List Facebook.jpg

LnLT Scenario and Map List Guide will show all scenarios and maps from both World War 2 and Modern era games in one PDF document. This PDF will be updated as we add more games to the series. The scenario list and the map list are from the latest game releases and will not match older editions.

Some players requested we add a LnLT Game Log for players to keep track of there game stats. We have added a sample so players can review it.

The scenario and map list are NOT needed to play LnLT but are provided more to be a helpful aid for those that want to reference it.

Lock 'n Load Tactical - Play the Game Not the Rules

LnLT Scenario and Map List Rev11 Cover.jpg LnLT Scenario and Map List Rev11-1.jpg LnLT Scenario and Map List Rev11-2.jpg LnLT Scenario and Map List Rev11-3.jpg LnLT Game Player Stat Log.jpg

Rev. 13.0 - We updated the LnLT Compendiums Vol. 1-4 to show you what games are needed to play each scenario. We also updated a few errors we had caught.
David Heath
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 2 ratings

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Super handy listing of scenarios and maps across the LnL Tactical line. Nice planning resource!
Nice job!