Welcome to the LnLP Forums and Resource Area

We have updated our forums to the latest version. If you had an account you should be able to log in and use it as before. If not please create an account and we look forward to having you as a member.
- Added a first version of the "Sword to Caen" scenario. It is a way bigger scenario than the previous two. Both in unit count as well as in its playable area.
- The map, OOB's and reinforcements of the scenario are all done. Units need some tweaking still in terms of their stats. Objectives are in, but must still be tested.
- Added the "D Company's coup-de-main" scenario. Which uses a cropped map, has a lower timescale and is platoon based.
- Retained the higher grid (40) map for the "Pegasus Bridge" scenario.
- Small changes on the "Pegasus Bridge" scenario
- Added a second version of the scenario with a bigger grid for testing purposes (different map+mapcache and scenario)
- Minor spelling corrections
- Flavor text for units and commanders added
- Briefings added
- Added drop and landing zone marker to the map
- Slight tweaks to the reinforcement schedules
- Reduced scenario duration to span until day two 01:00h.
- Adjusted victory conditions to account for shorter scenario.
- Adjusted reinforcement schedule: 6th Airborne Division HQ will not show up any more. Some slight retouches on the Axis schedule.
- All units and commanders now have correct stats
- Alterations to the historic reinforcement schedule
- Added Axis and Allied favoured reinforcements schedule
- Slight alterations to the map
- Made the scenario twelve hours shorter
Recalculated terrain tables to a grid size of 25 meter.