We have updated our forums to the latest version. If you had an account you should be able to log in and use it as before. If not please create an account and we look forward to having you as a member.
Welcome to the Lock ‘n Load Tactical system (LnLT). For over 20 years the LnLT system has entertained gamers with its ease of gameplay while having attention to battlefield conditions and tactics. LnLT has set a new standard in Squad-level gaming with scenario-based gameplay. Its innovative...
Welcome to the Lock ‘n Load Tactical system (LnLT). For over 20 years the LnLT system has entertained gamers with its ease of gameplay while having attention to battlefield conditions and tactics. LnLT has set a new standard in Squad-level gaming with scenario-based gameplay. Its innovative...
Here are some questions asked about the new LnLT v5.0 rule set and my answers.
Q1:-All-encompassing game system consolidating rules from both WW2 - Modern
Q2: -clarifications and improvements to the game system
A: YES, had a lot of new playtesters review the rules during the process.
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