Welcome to the LnLP Forums and Resource Area

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  1. D

    Digital AI vs Solo

    Has anybody tried both the digital AI and boardgame Solo AI? If yes, which one is better and/or pro/cons of each one? I am trying to decide if I should buy the digital game of the board game.
  2. Dale

    Solo (Offensive) Movement Behavior FlowChart Confusion

    The "Move Action Offensive" has me stumped. I think a (green) Move order directs me here. I start in the center and the confusion begins. "Choose the condition that applies …." More than one usually applies. And the "No" branches contradict "condition that applies" because I wouldn't choose that...
  3. Screng

    Do I need the Solo rules to play Heroes of Normandy solo?

    It sounds like a dumb question but the Heroes of Normandy rating itself 7 of 10 for solo play confuses me. Any guidance appreciated on which (or all) products require those Solo Rules. I am still getting my feet wet, but it seems some products are expansions that require the Core Rules (and...
  4. E

    Buttoned Tanks and spotting-Solo Module.

    In a HATRS scenario I'm playing a buttoned AEO tank has found itself adjacent to an infantry PU in a building. Now Following the AEO rules it will remain buttoned while in line of sight of a PU. The AEO gets the priority order to fire, but the thing is it has to make a spotting attempt with a +1...
  5. David Heath

    Lock 'n Load Tactical Solo Walkthrough v1.5

    Lock 'n Load Tactical Solo Walkthrough Lock ’n Load Tactical Solo system allows players to fight against an Artificial Enemy Opponent (AEO) that operates using a series of cards drawn from a deck, which makes decisions for the AEO game units. Here is a Walkthrough play example of using the...
  6. Starman

    Solo flow chart errors and errata

    I have seen it mentioned on BGG that some of the solo flow charts have errors and you intend errata. Please can you give timescale for its production , even a living errata thread would be really useful.
  7. B

    Solo Module: AEO closest to a "Target"

    What's the definition of "Target" in the solo cards? Usually the cards tend to say "a unit," so I'm thinking the difference is that "target" means not just an enemy unit but an enemy-occupied hex that's spotted and within range and LOS of the AEO in question. But I'd like to know the official...
  8. T

    I am confused about solo scenario progression.

    Hi, I am confused about non-campaign solo scenario progression. I thought that once you complete a solo scenario, that the next scenario would be the one on the list of Solo non-campaign scenarios. But I noticed that after I won Tiger 222, instead of going back to the main menu to select a...
  9. David Heath

    Larger Sample Cards for LnLT Solo

    Hey, We are thinking about going with larger playing cards and wanted to see what you all think. Below are two samples. David
  10. David Heath

    Solo System Coming to LnLT

    Solo System coming to Lock 'n Load Tactical. LnLP has Licensed the Solo game system from Academy Games. Bob Bicket will be developing the LnLP edition of the system and we will have some more details coming soon. LnLP would also really like to thank Bob Bicket, Uwe Eickert and everyone at...