john connor
As to what is happening here, with all these massive Axis forces unable to push through? Mostly they are quite poor quality, and hence liable to lose morale quickly and then be paralysed and finally break up. But there's still an awful lot of them, compared to the Allies. I still feel a hankering for a better fight out of them than the AI provides. So, I check their tasks and see that they mostly have Move tasks to get them to the exit, with attacks and bypass ticked, but with the default route being 'avoidance'. That, combined with the fact that the Axis has only 2 objectives (kill the enemy and exit at bottom) accounts for why they don't mount many attacks, I feel. Because the AI is better, I think, at attacking objectives (terrain) than attacking to kill men, and it has no terrain objectives here (there are 2 low priority AI objectives corresponding to the Allied objectives either side of the road, which don't show up except in scenmaker, but they carry no points and hence really are low priority). I think to put a hold objective near the bottom plus hold objectives where the Allies have theirs would produce more use of the attacking assets available, though it may then unbalance it in favour of the Axis too much (certainly if playing as Axis or HtH). I'll try it.
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