In many of the video playthroughs EW rolls are not being carried out when units are off map , correct if hidden placement but wrong if in HQ/SW Holding box IMO the rule should also include those Formations held on End Operations card.
5.2 EW Effects
The player who wins the card may place an Electronic Warfare marker on an enemy HQ unit on the map or in the enemy HQ/SW Holding Box or on End Operations Card The card is then discarded.
It does give extra weight to my alternative to placing HQs on held out End Operations cards.
Without extra counters the easiest solution is to hold out the formation card(s) shuffled face down and select one after each end of operations comes out, if any left when the triggering end of turn then draw one and shuffle the end of operations back in , obviously if only the held out formations remain just play them in order.
5.2 EW Effects
The player who wins the card may place an Electronic Warfare marker on an enemy HQ unit on the map or in the enemy HQ/SW Holding Box or on End Operations Card The card is then discarded.
It does give extra weight to my alternative to placing HQs on held out End Operations cards.
Without extra counters the easiest solution is to hold out the formation card(s) shuffled face down and select one after each end of operations comes out, if any left when the triggering end of turn then draw one and shuffle the end of operations back in , obviously if only the held out formations remain just play them in order.