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Leader counters

Jay Townsend

Aug 19, 2013

It was kind of cool when they added leader counters to the NaW series. It would be interesting to choice a leader and see how he does or if he survives in one of the campaign scenario groups or maybe a group of 3 or 4 scenarios in a row.

A list of leaders/Commissars:

American: Lt Boden, Lt H.T. Smith

British: Lt Cole, CPT. J. Wilson

French: Lt Le Vasseur

Italian: Lt Curreri

German: Lt Schlaffer, Wittmann, Lt Blitz, MAJ. Druelinger, Lt Shockey, Lt Volker

Soviet: Commissar Winklekov, Comm Buccherovich, Comm Joystoi, Comm Belyy, Comm Sandiferkov, CPT. Griffithovick, Lt Putnakov, Lt Olssonakov

I think at one time, LnL custom printed leader names on counters? If so I missed out on it.