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LNLT Digital/confused by handling/questions on spotting and terrain effects

Chris Clarke

Apr 6, 2020
Hoboken NJ
This is my first experience with LNLT, but not with Tactical systems.

So whenever I try to spot a unit that is adjacent and 'behind' a bocage hexside, the game always tells me the attempt is 0%. I know this is essentially a 'to hit' of 'greater than or equal to 0' because when I target the same hex with a leader with an LV of 1, I get a success rate of 16%...and when I use that same leader to target that hex through 1 hex of degrading terrain it goes back to 0% (and non-leaders that try to spot by themselves through 1 hex of degrading terrain are at -16%).

This is wrong, correct? I have read the rules on bocage in the HoN rulebook and while I understand LOS and Spotting and bocage specifically have been hotly contested for years, I find nothing in the arguments here (or the LNL forums) that make any specific exception for spotting through bocage. As far as I can tell the spotting check through bocage is just based on the terrain hex the unit is residing in: 2+ for blocking and 3+ for degrading, like always.

Am I right?

And while I'm at it, LNLTD thinks that blocking terrain like LC and HC building fill the entire hex. This is NOT true, correct? The terrain only blocks if the LOS travels through the 'artwork'/silhouette, correct? The core 5.0 rules are pretty clear about this. Although in other places it's not...for example, LNLT uses the same concept as many systems where the artwork on the center dot denotes the terrain type of the entire hex. But at the same time talks about silhouettes and 'otherwise open hexes'.

Stéphane Tanguay

Staff member
Aug 2, 2013
Repost form my BGG answer:

1) The bocage rules is an exception to the general spotting rules, in which the terrain of the hex where the target resides defines the number you have to roll (or less) on 1d6. If you try to spot an unit adjacent to bocage and "behind it", and you are not adjacent, you have to roll 2 or less on a d6. Essentially, the bocage is confering a "blocking" effect to the hex behind it This is a 33% chance of success and I don't know why the game is telling you otherwise. If you use a leader with a LM (and not a LV) of 1, your chancea increase to 50% (3 or less on 1d6). With a degrading terrain, they go back to 33%. Those percentages not withstanding, have you tried to spot anyway?

2) The LNLT Digital game went with the hex-filled terrain approach, instead of the "must touch the artwork" of the boardgame (unless firing exactly between two blocking/degrading terrains, with some exceptions even). Unfortunately, the rules included with the games are based on the boardgame so this can be confusing :-(

3) Yes, the dot in the center defines the hex-terrain for mouvement cost and the like but, in the boardgame, you go with the "must touch the artwork approach" when it comes to LOS and LOF, again with some exceptions (for exemple, when terrain is defined by a counter you place in a hex)