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Lock 'n Load Store is Back Online with new Credit Cards Systems

David Heath

Staff member
Oct 14, 2014
Pueblo West, Colorado
Hello One and All,

Updating the store took longer than we had expected but we are excited about it. There are a lot of new features and improvements we will be sharing with everyone as we go forward. Since we are still getting used to our new store as well, we are sure you may find some issues. If you do or you have a question, please open a support ticket and we will get right on it.


Some of you were having issues with your debit and credit cards through PayPal. We now have available two systems available. We have a new updated PayPal system we also added another Card Merchant to our store to provide more choices to you.

Those of you with pre-orders will notice that they are not showing up YET in your order history. We have more details on our new Loyalty and Pre-order systems.

We also have gained a new blog at the store. The purpose of the store blog will be used primarily to update you on new releases, product updates, and store features. As each new feature comes online we will post it here, so please keep checking. Our general company updates, game schedules, and articles can be found still http://lnlpublishing.com

We once again thank you for your support.

- Lock ‘n Load Publishing Team