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Passengers in Vehicles


Dec 26, 2015
US & Bulgaria
Passengers in Vehicles
Hello, can someone please help answer the following questions regarding passengers inside vehicles - thanks!
1) A Shaken German squad is a passenger inside a Sd.Kfz.251. Does the squad receive the -2 DRM Rally bonus (for being inside a vehicle which is a +2 TEM)?
2) An Sd.Kfz.251, with a Shaken German squad passenger inside, is destroyed by AT fire. The Bailout Check [16.6.1] results in an even number for the already Shaken German squad. Does the Shaken German Squad suffer a casualty for the even Bailout DR or is the squad only marked with a move marker and no further casualties?


Nov 12, 2016
Passengers in Vehicles
Hello, can someone please help answer the following questions regarding passengers inside vehicles - thanks!
1) A Shaken German squad is a passenger inside a Sd.Kfz.251. Does the squad receive the -2 DRM Rally bonus (for being inside a vehicle which is a +2 TEM)?
2) An Sd.Kfz.251, with a Shaken German squad passenger inside, is destroyed by AT fire. The Bailout Check [16.6.1] results in an even number for the already Shaken German squad. Does the Shaken German Squad suffer a casualty for the even Bailout DR or is the squad only marked with a move marker and no further casualties?

Rydo to the rescue!

1 ) The rulebook doesn't clearly specify this particular example but i will use just the +2 the vehicle gives you. I presume those men feels more safe into the vehicle than on the outside so i will use it.

Also on the TEM table it says that the TM of +2 is NOT used by units ON the vehicle, so i presume the units INSIDE can use it.

2 ) "16.1.1 If the vehicle is destroyed (except through Close Assault 17.1), the passengers perform a Bailout Check by rolling 1d6 for each transported counter’s survival. On an even die-roll, flip MMCs and SMCs to their Shaken side, place them in the Wreck’s hex, and mark them with a Moved marker. An odd die roll eliminates the MMC/SMC."

So in your case just place the shaken squad in the wreck's hex and mark them as moved.

The DFT will tell us to reduce a shaken squad that receives a shaken result, but in this case the squad was not hit directly.

The bailout roll indicate the unit's luck to get out in time safe or not, in your case they were able to save themselfes even if shaken.

A very good squad! :)

Hope it helpet, bye!
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