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TUS and ITB - Odds and Ends


Nov 5, 2015
Southern California
I grabbed TUS and ITB during the recent sale. Unfortunately, I didn't notice until it was too late that TUS was discounted because it was a pre-order item, and not because of the Thanksgiving sale. Oh well. It's not a big deal, but it does leave me in a bit of a bind because all of the ITB scenarios require TUS maps (first thing I checked...). Has there been any sort of updated info on when TUS will get its rerelease?

Just curious.

ITB is neat, and it's got plenty of powerful toys for the US. Abrams and Bradleys are both present in large numbers. And there are Sheridans in the mix, as well. But the less powerful stuff is missing. The absence of the M113s isn't a big deal, as those can be found in Eisenbach Gap. But are US M60s available anywhere in the European theater WaW sets? Given the emphasis on the US, I'd thought that ITB would have them. But that's not the case. And Eisenbach Gap doesn't have them, either. The only other European set that appears to include US forces is Counterattack, and the store blurb indicates that it only includes nine counters. Does this mean that the M60's only appearance to date is in the Texas set?

In any event, the set looks like a good one. The scenarios could use some rewriting for various reasons (WW3 in Europe lasted for 26 years? :p ), but nothing that looks insurmountable. Here's hoping that I get to play it soon.