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Today i received HATRS and i was shocked!


Nov 12, 2016
By the quality of this game. Seriously, are you for real? I am concerned if unpunch and play it or use it as a relic :)

Finally i can play this game i've been looking for 5+ years.

One bad thing only. I am not english so i would be the last one to say this, but even i noticed some few errors in the Module Rules, missing words, wrong verbs and a reference of the Eisenbach gap that is no more. Just a little thing i wanted you to know. No offense of course :) as you can tell i love you all! :)

Awesome job and X-Maps are WOW! If you are thinking or not about getting this game then i can tell you this: Go on Ln'L store and get one before they go OOP. They are giving us too much stuff for that price :)

PS: A little question, why are you using unused units artworks in the tables and not the module ones?

BTW great job at everyone. I hope you will continue to follow the WaW storyline and expand this game, it is needed, i want to know what happens after Paris! And i want to see how the 1st Panzer died!
