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WW2 British 2" mortar - smoke

Jul 14, 2020
Hi all

I love WWII tactical wargaming, miniatures and hex & counter, having satisfactory migrated from ASL to LnL Tactical a couple of years ago and I haven't looked back.

Now, the standard platoon tactic in the British infantry was to use smoke, delivered from the platoon 2" mortar, to mask manoeuvre and hamper the LoS of the enemy (particularly MG42s...).

I have searched in the module books and in the forums here and on BGG, I cannot see a way off replicate on my LnL battlefields.

So, I am thinking adapting the off-board ordnance spotting round procedure, but the deviation seems a little harsh.

As a fire action, the MMC with the mortar selects a hex where they want the smoke to land, roll to hit (modified by any leader bonus, indirect fire penalty etc.)

If it hits, place a smoke 1 counter in the hex.

If it misses, count the amount it missed by, divided by 2 (rounded down). That is number of hexes deviated. Roll a D6 for direction.

Subsequent shots can be 'walked' 1 hex at a time.

Any thoughts?
