Well, I couldn't resist pressing on, despite CTDs every few minutes, in different circumstances each time. I saved a lot! And got bored. Sorry, but in the stock scenario the Italians (as AI) do nothing. They bunch up once they get stuck, they don't probe, they don't concentrate. They just wait to be killed. I'm not sure what kind of result I will get, but it's too dull to press on, because the AI is doing nothing. If I stand back and let them do nothing I'll get a draw. If I mount attacks and kill them I'll get a big win, probably, as others have.
This frustration with the AI bugs me, because the AI is THE thing with this game, the reason I play it. So. I had to start tampering to see if the objectives etc would make a difference. And - thank God!! - they did. So, middle of day 2 from an altered scenario below:
As you see, during the night of day 1 the AI has probed holes and launched 3 separate lines of attack, 2 of which have run aground, but the main thrust has required....wait for it....some action from me to get close to stopping it. I've had to move units around, use reserves, counter threats etc. It's been a much better game and - and this is key - STILL plays historically. Because historically the Axis didn't just sit there and do nothing. This was a really tough fight for the Allies, and it should be possible for the AI to make it that way for you. Now I'm not sure if I will win playing at full speed and not being too careful. Or even being careful. I think I will win, but that's probably because so far I haven't fine-tuned the Allies objectives, only the Axis. But already it's restoring my faith in the AI.
But this has made me think about the whole AI thing, so now I've posted a question to Dave about how it works, form the point of view of scenario making.
Meanwhile, I'll fine tune things with this one then post the scenario file, in case anyone wants a better fight out of it.