Posted this on Steam, but am going to provide a copy here as well, for coverage. Thanks!
1) Custom Scenario files (like a Minecraft resource pack) with custom counters, available unit lists, events & reinforcement times, maps/tiles, etc. (the more you make this game customizable, the more it will live forever!). Simply being able to add some .txt and picture files to a .zip file and renaming it .scn would be AWESOME); (1B) you could also Go ELITE and develop a Unit Creation Tool as a Counter/Unit Creator (graphics and properties file), for standardization. This could act in-lieu of the Renaming Tool others have suggested... just create our own!)
2) Action Buttons (low-crawl & lay smoke type action buttons) often are 'unclickable' for me, and their tool-tips often don't appear unless I scroll to the bottom of the map (background/map interference?) I'd like to see them larger (or adjustable in size), with clearer tool-tips please.
3) "Don't show Fire & Melee icons if its not available"= provide a mini-tool tip on hover-over enemy (i.e. 'No LOS', *instead* of the Fire button with a separate message down below). Although this has been somewhat mitigated by the Reason Dialog in the lower-right corner, not having the option available in the first place would be better; OR Perhaps the second or third time I try to do something (ie click Fire with no LOS) as a newb, the dialog could appear in a center-screen message/pop-up.
It's exciting! This game is awesome already, and this format is the best computer-assisted-tactical-counter based game adaption on the market! Thank You! for letting us be a part of it with our suggestions!