Sorry guys for the lack of progress but It's been a tough month with hardware, software and code development issues. My dev machine packed it it a few weeks back. Now my server is on the blink. I'v e had to upgrade just about everything to work with Win 10 (previously all was good under Win 7) It had to be done, though.Today I start work and find my windows scrolling erratically to the point of being useless and I've wasted a morning trying to sort this out, including rolling back the latest MS update which Logitech blames for the problem. But I've just confirmed that it's still an issue. Driving me crazy and definitely not my fault. Don't you love computers some days.
In addition our server machine needs to be replaced pretty damn quick too. I'm researching options for using Github instead of SVN for source control and versioning and working out the best config for a new server setup. We're probably going to go with a NAS drive. This is all taking time too.
On top of all these delightful factors we also took some time out to respond to an Australian Army request to assist them in developing a Command Ops map file they plan to use at an upcoming exercise. We took the opportunity to further develop some code that Pavlo has been working on that imports standard GIS data into MapMaker. This can save an incredible out of time to develop a map. We were able to import elevation and terrain data (Shapefiles) and build a map. There are issues yet to be resolved, but it bodes well for a future feature that should allow for a speedier generation of maps and hence data content modules. That's all wrapped up now and the Army were very happy.
LNL will no longer be generating the installer for Command Ops engine and modules. So we have to do that ourselves now. We've started this process, but a precursor to this is that we need to make changes to the way Command Ops automatically converts old versions of files. Previously this was automatic. But with the upcoming release of an Upgrade package that will be paid for, we need to cater for users who don't upgrade. So we're writing code to ensure that such users won't be able to convert their current versions without paying for the upgrade. They'll still be able to use them on the earlier engine, just not on the latest engine. Needless to say this is more complex than it sounds and we're going to need some time to finish and test it. My apologies for the delay.