LnLP Forums and Resource Area Closing At The End of the Year

After careful consideration, we have made the decision to close the LnLP forums due to decreased activity, as the community has largely transitioned to other social media platforms. Going forward, all community engagement will be centralized on our Discord server. Game manuals will continue to be available in our Online Library, which now also includes our new AI Assistant. The AI Assistant is designed to answer a wide range of game rule questions and can guide you to the relevant sections of the manual. For the best experience, we encourage you to interact with the LnLP community via our Discord and Facebook pages. All support-related inquiries will be handled through our dedicated support site. LnLP Discord Server: https://discord.gg/FCj7EuqMxB


Oct 20, 2014
Livonia, MI (Detroit-area suburb)
SITREP Sat 26 Feb 2022

Hi all,

Haven't done much programming this week. We have been preoccupied with the Ukraine. My colleague and friend, Pavlo, who goes by the nic of ioncore on this forum is Ukrainian. He lives and works in Germany. He was originally from the Donbas region. He lost a brother a few years back when they managed to move their mother to Kiev. Now she is trapped there in Kiev, with fighting at its doorstep. It's a very concerning time. My thoughts and prayers are with Pavlo and his family.
I've wondered where Pavlo has been. I didn't realize he was from the Ukraine and still had family living there.

My thoughts and prayers are with yours in his and his family's behalf.

Dave 'Arjuna' O'Connor

Panther Games Designer
Jul 31, 2014
Canberra, Australia
SITREP Fri 11 Mar 2022

Hi all,

During testing after my earlier changes I noted that attacks were being called off during the planning stage due to lack of time. I tracked down the cause of this and have fixed it inside SeedApproachDetails(). I now have to revise the SeedSpecifiedFUPApproachDetails() and SeedInSituApproachDetails() using the same new method. The old code was taking the plannedEnd and working backwards to determine available time. The presumption being that if the boss specified an end time we need to adhere to it. I have turned this on its head and now work forwards and determine the desired timings. If the desiredEnd is beyond the plannedEnd then we ask the boss to slip the plan - ie give us more time. If he doesn't we rule out those approaches which take too long. I'm hoping this will mean more attacks will be planned and executed rather than abandoned.

This should mean I can get a new build done mid next week. If that goes well I still need to revise the reassessment code to ensure that the boss does the plan reassessment when based and not the senior subordinate. I hope to get that done by the end of next week - fingers crossed.

Dave 'Arjuna' O'Connor

Panther Games Designer
Jul 31, 2014
Canberra, Australia
SITREP Fri 18 Mar 22.

Hi all,

Boy what a busy week. I have yet to get to the revision of the reasssessment code. I spent the entire week debugging the new attack code. There have been so many changes, so it's just taken a lot longer than I hoped. I fixed the issue where there is insufficient time for the 1.318th Bn sub-attack. This required a rewrite of the SeedApproachDetails()s - there are three of them . It now determines the desired duration and requests more time from the boss if needed. Trouble is we now need to handle cases where the HHour needs to be slipped but not the end time. So I am now revising GetMaxSlippage() to handle this. Once that's done I need to copy the changes to GetMaxCribbage() and then we should be right.

BTW during this process I stomped on an anomaly that was double slipping the just developed attack plan. This should stop cases where the attack replans almost straight away after it was developed.

I have also revised the DetermineFUP() so that it takes into account the presence of friendlies between the objective and the current planSubject. The net effect is that forming up places are now closer to the objective if screened by other friendlies. Also, the code now factors in visibility to further reduce the gap in poor viz.

Dave 'Arjuna' O'Connor

Panther Games Designer
Jul 31, 2014
Canberra, Australia
SITREP Sat 9 Apr 22

Hi all,

Unfortunately I made no progress these last three weeks. The first two I was laid low with a dreadful virus. I thought it might be covid but the pcr test said I was negative. In the second week my wife had to return to work at the hospital. She had been working from home for a long time and did not want to go back to the hospital. She was there a week and came down with covid. I had another test and again it was negative. We're all self isolating here at home now. Got another ten days to go. My first priority is to look after my wife. So hence no progress on the game. Hopefully my wife will get better and I can remain uninfected. Then I can get back to coding.

john connor

Oct 22, 2014
Hope you both get past it without too much discomfort, Dave. We all had it a month ago (after three vaccinations) - it was about as uncomfortable as a heavy cold, I thought, but it depends which variant you catch, of course. It has a longer tail of fatigue than an ordinary virus.

Hard to care for someone and not catch it, we found - we all got it one by one doing that. So, good luck! Let us know how it's going.

Dave 'Arjuna' O'Connor

Panther Games Designer
Jul 31, 2014
Canberra, Australia
Hope you both get past it without too much discomfort, Dave. We all had it a month ago (after three vaccinations) - it was about as uncomfortable as a heavy cold, I thought, but it depends which variant you catch, of course. It has a longer tail of fatigue than an ordinary virus.

Hard to care for someone and not catch it, we found - we all got it one by one doing that. So, good luck! Let us know how it's going.
Thanks Peter. Just had my Day 6 PCR test and thankfully it was negative. Just need to hang into Day 12 now. Fingers crossed. My wife is a little better now but still very tired.