I only recently acquired Command Ops 2 (for now, the Cauldron module). Very cool game, I wish more wargames would get rid of turn based system and go completely real time.
Anyway, I was going through this forum, trying to find out if there are more modules planned in the near future. I do not wish to come of as whiny, but I would really wish for more mid '43 - mid '44 settings. Something where the Axis side was not on its last legs.
Tunis campaign, invasion of Italy, and various late summer-autumn '43 Red army offensives.
This timeframe is suitable for various hypotheticals (Churchill's belly thrust in the Balkans would be fun, as I am from that region, or what-ifs on the Eastern front, like what-if the Dnieper was better defended).
It seems to me that the development of new modules has stalled in last couple of years, which is a shame. The only thing I could find on the steam and forums seems to be a Russian-Japanese conflict module. Which sounds cool, Russia with its hordes of early tanks and I-15s and I-16s, against....well, I haven't a clue what the Japanese bring to the field of battle. But this too seems to be trapped is some kind of development hell