SITREP 1630 30 Apr 2015
I have spent the day sorting out the Plan Dialog. It now updates dynamically as you add and deleted tasks or when tasks change their type (eg Bombard becomes Rest after the bombardment finishes).
I also took the opportunity to review and overhaul the code that was inhibiting attacks from making great progress. I identified two major factors here. The first was that an assault would stop as soon as one of the guards retreated or routed. The second was that if the formation subject/hub retreated or routed no one else in the formation could generate a route. So hit the hub and stop the assault.
To address the first factor I have overhauled the code so that now if a task has the Allow Stragglers option checked then it will ignore the constraints on guards during the assault (and for other tasks too). This means that if any of the guards and /or hub retreat or rout the rest of the force will plough on. The default setting for AllowStragglers is "true" (ie it's checked by default. So if you want to play safe, then uncheck this and the force will stop if any of the guards or hub stop.
The next thing I changes was in the code that calculates routes. Previously if the force was in formation with its boss and the boss was retreating or routing then it would not generate a new route - it would just wait for the boss to recover. Now if Allow Stragglers is checked it will instead calc an independent rout to the objective.
Taken together the two measures had really improved the momentum on the offensive. It does come at some risk to assaulting units. I did see on one occasion just one company from the assault force charging headlong into the enemy. But on the whole I think it's an improvement. We'll need to monitor this.
I did not get time today to address the crash bug Daz reported with multi selections and the Force Data dialog. I do want to fix this before releasing the new build. So it will probably be tomorrow afternoon before I do that and that will mean you should get it early next week.